Learn a language for free!

Welcome to Language for Free

Would you like to learn a new foreign language?  Or perhaps you want to improve rusty skills?.  Well you could spend a lot of money buying one or more of those expensive 'Teach-Yourself' multi-media course packs you see in bookshops or advertised on the internet.  Or you could decide to spend nothing at all and make use of all the wonderful fre resources that are already out there sitting around in cyber-space just waiting to be used.

What you'll find here

There is no catch.  I'm a language teacher, a teacher trainer and I have also taught myself to speak a foreign language almost exclusively using free resources I found on the net.  My job is to filter out what isn't much use and share with you what is - often based on my own experience of learning and teaching foreign languages.


Please be patient.  I've only just started to buid this site and it's going to take a while!

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